The Gun Run, Land Nav, May 18th, 2024 - The Gun Run
The Gun Run, Land Nav, TBD MAY, 2023 - The Gun Run

The Gun Run, Land Nav, May 24th, 2025

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Coming soon!

READ THIS WHOLE PAGE! This is a special event that is more difficult than standard events. Instead of following a 5k course marked with signs, you and your team mate will navigate an unknown distance course using a map and compass. There will be no individual shooters. On sale April 14th at 7PM EST. $300 is the price for a two person team. Be sure to check your spam folder after purchasing for email from


This is a special edition of The Gun Run. Your team must be able to use a map, compass, and protractor to navigate through the Sandhills Game Lands to various points. You will also complete several shooting stages. All shooting stages will occur on DeWitts property which will be separated from the navigation areas by paved roads. Total distance is tentatively 10-15k with 8 shooting stages. Train ups will be offered to learn land navigation techniques. 

Location and Date:

Saturday, May 24th, 2024 at DeWitt's Outdoor Sports 443 Jimmy Carriker Road Ellerbe, North Carolina.

Course of Fire:

The course of fire will not be posted prior to the race. This is to challenge you in the moment. Expect to shoot rifles to 300yds and pistols to 50yds with minimum round counts of 65 rifle and 45 pistol per person.


You will need a centerfire rifle and centerfire pistol with enough ammunition to clear the course of fire, eye protection, ear protection, and some form of stopwatch. You may use any type of gear you want to carry your equipment. Pistols must be carried in a secure holster that covers the trigger if they are to be carried loaded. Rifles may be carried any way you like, as long as they remain pointed in a safe direction. Targets will be steel therefore tracers, armor piercing bullets, and bullets with a steel core like M855 are not allowed. Magnum calibers are also not allowed. Your pistol must shoot a pistol caliber round. Your rifle must shoot a rifle caliber round unless you are using a Pistol Caliber Carbine. PCCs are allowed but must only be used to engage rifle targets. Feel free to contact us if you have questions about using your firearm.  

Special Equipment for this event:

Water, compass, protractor. You must also have a cell phone or radio for emergencies. Maps will be provided.


You may not use GPS unless a medical emergency is taking place.

Check in will begin at 0700 on race day and end at 1030. The run order will be published several days prior to the race. There will be a mandatory safety brief at 0730 and 1030 depending on start time. The first teams will start at 0800.

Basic firearm safety must be observed at all times. Do not point your firearm at another human being and keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are aligned on designated targets. Rifles will only be loaded under the supervision of a Range Officer (RO). Loaded pistols must remain in a secure holster until shooting a stage under the supervision of a RO. If you are found to be breaking these rules you will be disqualified and escorted off the premises. 

The navigation route will take you over varying terrain, through water, and over/under obstacles. Do not cross the asphalt boundary roads or you may cross into the live fire impact area.

When you approach a shooting stage, you will first show the RO an empty mag well and empty chamber on your rifle, if another shooter is currently on the stage when you arrive, the RO will tell you to start your stopwatch to keep track of your wait time. It is your responsibility to properly time your wait time. The cumulative wait time, if any, will be subtracted from your overall run time. When the shooter in front of you has cleared the stage, the RO will record the wait time that you have on your watch.

After explaining the stage to you, the RO will give you commands to load and begin firing. Every shooting stage will have a time limit. If you do not complete the stage under the time limit, you will receive a score of 0 for that stage. If the RO tells you to cease fire you will holster your pistol and unload your rifle. The RO will tell you your time and record your time on the score card. You must show the RO an empty mag well and chamber on your rifle before leaving each stage. Do not run with the bolt open on your empty rifle, Carolina sand will gladly fill your chamber!

At the end of the race your run and shoot scores will be calculated. There will be a random draw of prizes from sponsors that will be awarded.

There will be medical personnel at the event in case of emergencies but be aware of over exertion. It will be hot. There is no shame in slowing down and walking. If you believe you cannot complete the event, an RO will assist in transporting you back to the start. We will evacuate you from the Game Lands in case of serious injury.


Call DeWitts at 910-652-2926 for camping and RV hookup information.

Refund/Cancellation Policy:

You have until 14 days out from the event to cancel and receive a refund. No refund will be given after that. To cancel, contact us by e-mail at Please notify us as quickly as possible if you need to cancel so we can offer your spot to someone else.